Home / Announcements Newsletters / December 2023 Newsletter 62

December 2023 Newsletter 62

Thanks and Goodbye

Mrs Tsotetsi has accepted a promotion post at a school in KwaThema from January 2024. Congratulations and thank you for all you did for the isiZulu program at Willowmoore.

Mr Cook has given 7 years to Willowmoore teaching Afrikaans, SS and CAT – Thank you for being willing to participate in activities and pick up new subjects. The grade 9’s will miss you as grade tutor.

Mrs Pienaar has given 5 years to Willowmoore teaching Afrikaans – the children will miss you.

Mrs Thwala thank you for 16 years at Willowmoore teaching Afrikaans. Your dedication and sense of humour will be missed.

Mr Dlangamandla, Ms Kunene and Mr Rajgopaul were employed on the PYEI scheme since February and we thank them for the cooking support, admin and library support and the PET and sport support. Our best wishes go with you as you find new challenges.

Ms Mkhize (EMS, Business and Economics) and Ms Boleu (SS and LO) started in May in growth posts and settled in quickly. We thank you for your time and expertise in getting learners to understand and like your subjects.

Ms Hussain has given 1 year as a teacher assistant to Willowmoore while completing her first year of university. Well done to Ms Hussain as she passed her first year with FOUR distinctions which is no mean feat considering she was teaching full time.

Thank you to the 5 young folk who came from SACAP to assist staff and learners in need and to gain valuable practical experience. You helped the school and families of many learners.

Mrs Nolan goes on maternity leave from January to May – enjoy the time with your family.

Thanks also go to our other educators who picked up new grade 8 classes just as the matrics started examinations. Your efforts are appreciated.

The matric examinations ran smoothly and this is largely thanks to Mrs Souka and Mr Lamprecht who started at 7am and ended at 6.30pm each day for 6 weeks. The matric results will be released on 19th January at school from 8am till 11am. Please collect your documents from school as you need these for remarks/rewrites or further study.

Subject changes
A parent must make the request in writing to the Principal via email before 20th December 2023. Please include the child’s name, grade, subject request change and a reason.

Grade 8 into 9 – Request for change ONLY from Afrikaans to isiZulu
Grade 9 into 10 – Finalise subjects for grade 10
Grade 10 into 11– May elect to change 1 subject
Grade 11 into 12– NO CHANGES ALLOWED.

Well done to the under 14 boys’ basketball team who came third in the
league. Thanks to E Meyer for the coaching sessions for this team.


Interact service at Eddy House on Saturday morning – Thank you for the lovely tea and conversation.

How do you measure success?
Material wealth? Status? Successful career? Perfect family? OR Health? True happiness? Making a difference? Living the best you?

Create your own measure of success by:
-Determining your success standard
-Choosing how you will reach fulfilment
-Comparing yourself to nobody but yourself
-Doing 1% better every day
-Remembering that success takes time
-Being strong
-Making a difference to others
-Reviewing your measure of success regularly

Festive season wishes go out to all our families and to those celebrating Christmas, a message of Peace, Joy and Hope at this time.
To those families who are travelling, we wish travelling mercies and return safely in the new year.To those staying at home, we wish you quality time with your families.

Communication – Please send an email to enquiries@willowmoore.co.za. You may send a message to 0825546020 – Please include your name, the child’s name and the message. Phone calls will not be answered as we not always able to take calls. Thank you for your cooperation.

This is also a problem in the parking lot where rubbish is left behind. Each of us has a duty to keep the environment clean and tidy.

E-Waste bins – Every month is recycling month
Thank you to those parents who have helped the environment by recycling your electronic goods. Please place your recycling items into one of the bins that have been placed at the front gate near the hall. Items such as irons, toasters, old computer equipment, batteries are all welcome. This will go a long way to helping our environment and reduce the amount of litter at our waste disposal sites. Ilanga have collected one load of recyclable materials – thank you for the support.

You can also recycle paper in the bin at the back of the school. For this recycling we earn a small amount that goes towards the RCL.

Dates for term 1 to diarise:





•  Issue of Stationery and Textbooks – grade 12
11 •  Issue of Stationery and Textbooks – grade 8 and 9
12 •  Issue of Stationery and Textbooks – grade 10

•  SMT planning meeting 10am

15 •  School commences for educators

•  Issue of Stationery and Textbooks – grade 11

16 •  Issue of Stationery and Textbooks – grade 8 and 9
17 •  School commences for all grades (Day 8)
18 •  Day 9
19 •  Day 10
20 • Honours Function for 2023 at 8.30


2024 Planning for extra special events

2024 Willowmoore will be celebrating its 50th birthday next year from March. We will be running numerous activities to celebrate this milestone. Watch this space. The first request is for a memory book. All past learners, parents and educators are encouraged to provide us with a memory of the time spent at Willowmoore in 200 words or less. Photos will also be welcome especially from the early years 1974 – 1990 – please put this an email and send to fiftyyears@willowmoore.co.za

50th Birthday celebrations will take place at school from 20 March to 20 April

  • High Tea
  • School show
  • Sports fun day
  • Gala dinner

Advance planning for 2024: Matric tour to the Drakensberg in February Grade 11 camp to Magaliesberg in August.

SGB elections – these will be held at the beginning of March and we need at least 350 parents for a quorum. We cannot run the school successfully without an effective SGB. If you are a parent, you qualify to be a member of the SGB. Please take this seriously as we need the support of parents in many different ways – Finance, Interview process to appoint educators, Discipline, Maintenance
and LTSM (Library), Policies.

Please settle 2023 school fees by the end of December. Thank you to everyone who has paid the school fees – this goes a long way to ensuring the smooth running of the school.
School fees for 2024 are payable in advance as per the Schools Act. All parents are encouraged to pay the fees. Willowmoore allows parents to pay over 10 months as another option – if you experience any problems please address an email to jgounder@willowmoore.co.za

The accounts office is open from 8am to 10.30 am to assist parents with payments. If you need to make payments at another time, please contact the accounts department and make an arrangement. We encourage parents to make use of EFT payment or direct payment at a bank for security purposes. We do not keep cash on the school premises.

Whenever you are paying by EFT, please send proof of payment to accounts@willowmoore.co.za – indicate the child’s name, grade and exactly what you are paying for so that we can allocate the moneys correctly.

Please allow at least 3 days for the money to reflect in the account. Please direct all school fee enquiries to the accounts department on accounts@willowmoore.co.za otherwise it may take a lot longer if you send queries directly to the principal.

Please consider making Willowmoore a beneficiary if you have a MySchool card – we earn a small amount which goes towards fundraising for our school. Thank you to those who have added Willowmoore as a beneficiary already – it has made a difference. Please check with your child that they have not lost any textbooks. If so, these must be paid for by the end of November so that we can do stock take when all books
have been returned.

General enquiries can be addressed to the administrator, Mrs L Ngobeni on mslngobeni@willowmoore.co.za or Ms Mistry on kmistry@willowmoore.co.za


Tutors for 2024
For any problems related to your child, please email one of the grade tutors for a response. If they are unable to answer your question they will pass it on to one of the deputies and then the principal.

 Grade 8     Tutors


•Ms Kera(ykera@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mrs Kleynhans(alombard@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mr Ramyaha(mramyaha@willowmoore.co.za)
•Ms Gallagher(cgallagher@willowmoore.co.za)
Grade 9 Tutors •Ms Kera(ykera@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mrs Kleynhans(alombard@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mr Ramyaha(mramyaha@willowmoore.co.za)
•Ms Gallagher(cgallagher@willowmoore.co.za)
Grade 10 Tutors •Mrs Souka (asouka@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mr Kathrada (zkathrada@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mrs Joubert(cjoubert@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mrs Naidoo(snaidoo@willowmoore.co.za)
Grade 11 Tutors •Mr Brown (brownw@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mrs Joseph (djoseph@willowmoore.co.za)
Grade 12 Tutors •Mr Maredi (jmaredi@willowmoore.co.za)
•Mrs Chotoo (cchotoo@willowmoore.co.za)

The SBST member for general counselling and liaison
with the social worker is Mrs Naidoo
snaidoo@willowmoore.co.za assisted by Mrs Kata –
The SBST member for missed assessments is Ms Zerf –
The SBST member for account related issues and the
feeding scheme is Mrs Gounder.
The SMT members responsible for discipline and Health
and safety are Mr Lamprecht –
jlampbrecht@willowmoore.co.za and Mr Mpiyakhe

Mrs L Sanders